Dear Time Magazine: About That Subscription Renewal ...

Dear Time Magazine: Four years ago, I dropped what had been nearly a lifelong subscription to your publication, because on the 10th anniversary of


Dear Time Magazine:

Four years ago, I dropped what had been nearly a lifelong subscription to your publication, because on the 10th anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing, you devoted not a single word to that event -- but instead devoted your cover to Ann Coulter, a woman who only a year before that had uttered the infamous line, "My only regret with Timothy McVeigh is he did not go to the New York Times building."

And you know what? I really haven't missed it since.

Lately you've been sending me e-mails imploring me to renew my subscription. "David, we want you back!" is the message line.

I've just been deleting them. Though I admit I've paused once or twice and reconsidered.

But now, after running a cream-puff profile of Glenn Beck that makes the Coulter profile look hard-hitting in comparison, I just have two words:

Bite me.

Jamison Foser at Media Matters has the ultimate evisceration of this piece of journalistic garbage. Charles Kaiser e-mails the author of the piece, who reveals he doesn't watch much cable and really hardly knows anything about the subject he was assigned to write about.

So please, go away. And no more whimpering about why no one wants to read established media publications anymore.

Signed, your ex-subscriber, Dave

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