Don't You Just Love Right-wing Ads That Exploit Children's Innocence?

[media id=8380] The National Organization for Marriage already has quite the track record for its misleading and bizarre ads about gay marriage. But

has quite the track record for its misleading and bizarre ads about gay marriage.

But this latest really takes the cake: It features video of young children who have been coached to voice their confusion about the ramifications of same-sex marriage might be.

As Michelangelo Signorile put it to Laura Ingraham on The O'Reilly Factor the other night:

Well I think that using children for any issue, I agree with you, is exploiting them. I think it shows a desperation on the part of the people who are opposed to marriage for gays and lesbians. I mean, they're losing at a swift pace, there is state after state making marriage legal, and now it seems like this desperate attempt to drag kids into it, when in fact, all of the polling shows, the younger people are, in terms of young adults right now, even among Christian evangelicals, the more likely they are to support marriage for gays and lesbians. So it's desperate, and think it's also, it betrays what's going on in the country.

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