Epic Fail: Bernie Goldberg's Advice To Ann Coulter
[media id=7077] In the previous night's edition of Talking Out My Hindquarters (aka The O'Reilly Factor), BillO The Clown got into a hilarious Ego Pi
In the previous night's edition of Talking Out My Hindquarters (aka The O'Reilly Factor), BillO The Clown got into a hilarious Ego Pie Fight with Ann The Bozo over some advice he wanted to pass along from a fellow wingnut buffoon, Bernie Goldberg (Coulter just snorted and said she only listened to people who sold more books than she her, which I guess means she's listening closely to Stephen King and Danielle Steele).
So BillO, kindly fellow that he is, had Goldberg on tonight to finally make his offering (not before, of course, noting that both he and BillO's books have sold better than Coulter's):
Goldberg: Here's the advice I would have given: Go on with liberal journalists. And tell them: "Yeah, do I go over the top sometimes? Do I say things that perhaps don't sound civil? Yeah. But I do it to point out your hypocrisy. Because if Al Franken came on, or Bill Maher -- two really nasty guys as far as I'm concerned -- you would sit there and giggle with them, you liberal anchor. But when I come on, you're all over me. That's why I do it -- to point out your liberal hypocrisy."
That was my only advice.
O'Reilly: And that was great advice.
Goldberg: Perhaps she'd want to listen, perhaps not. I agree with Ann Coulter 90 percent of the time.
O'Reilly: I think that Ann Coulter is watching right now. And she should do that, because that is devastating. That is absolutely devastating, when the liberal people go after her, say, hey, if it were Franken or Maher here you'd be yukkin' it up.
Yeah, that would have been devastating, just devastating.
Unless, of course, the "liberal" (read: non-wingnut) show host/journalist had two brain cells to scratch together (not always a given) and could muster a response along the following lines:
"Sure, Ann, but neither Franken nor Maher -- nor for that matter any liberal you can name -- have ever joked about bombing thousands of people at the New York Times Building, or urged their audiences to act like violent thugs against their political opponents, or proudly trumpeted the use of ethnic slurs, or extolled the virtues of 'local fascism.'
"We're not talking about your political views, Ann -- we couldn't care less if you're right, left, center, or upside-down. We're talking about fundamental human decency. You plainly lack it. Franken and Maher may offend, but they don't descend into the sewer from which you regularly come crawling."
Something like that. It could be simpler. But you get the idea.
And I suspect Coulter -- unlike her grandfatherly advisers -- is smart enough to know that, which is why she doesn't bother.