Even After Getting Called Out, Dick Morris Just Keeps Shilling On Fox

[media id=6851] [h/t Dave] Dick "Suck On The Toe" Morris is always good for a low mordant chortle or two, especially when he gets called out for shi

[h/t Dave]

Dick "Suck On The Toe" Morris is always good for a low mordant chortle or two, especially when he gets called out for shilling a group he has a financial relationship with.

Because Morris hasn't the good sense enough to stop at that point. So there he was yesterday on Fox's Hannity and Colmes, doing it yet again -- on the very day he was called out:

Morris: The Republican Party is dead at that point, it has no role at all to play, because you will have 60 votes in the Senate for the Democrats.

And I've been pushing very, very hard for a group called GOPTrust.com that is running a million dollars of ads in Georgia to elect Chambliss and defeat the Democrat. Now in the last couple of days, some of the liberals have lashed back at me, claiming that somehow I'm getting paid by this group. But the fact is that all they've done is buy ads on my website -- like they buy ads in the New York Times. I'm no more in cahoots with them than the New York Times is. And this has all been fully disclosed in their disclosure statements.

But I won't be intimidated by those groups. It is crucially important that every American who cares about the free-enterprise system go online as soon as this show is over and Alan makes his announcement and get online to GOPTrust.com and give Chambliss the money he needs to win. Your whole future depends on it.

Well, all you have to do is look at the Media Matters report to see that the money flow goes well beyond buying ads for his website.

Through publicly available records filings with the Federal Election Commission (FEC), Media Matters for America found that GOPTrust.com has paid a firm apparently affiliated with Morris at least $24,000 since the beginning of October, mostly for "Email Communication." The "Mailing Address" for that firm, Triangulation Strategies, is listed in one of the National Republican Trust PAC's FEC filings as "dickmorris.com." In numerous other FEC filings documenting payments to Triangulation Strategies, National Republican Trust PAC listed the mailing address for Triangulation Strategies as a New York address connected to Morris. Additionally, a separate October FEC filing from a campaign unrelated to the National Republican Trust PAC directly connects Morris with Triangulation Strategies. Media Matters has documented more than a dozen Fox News appearances or columns in which Morris has mentioned, promoted, or fundraised for GOPTrust.com without disclosing his apparent financial relationship with that organization.

Morris isn't even a good liar. But he is good for a little comic relief.

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