On Fox's Wall Street Journal Show, The Anti-union Propaganda Is Unbroken

[media id=7572] We've known for a long time that the Wall Street Journal's editorial page is horrifically slanted; the rest of the paper may be reaso

We've known for a long time that the Wall Street Journal's editorial page is horrifically slanted; the rest of the paper may be reasonably balanced and journalistically sound, but the edit page is a wholly owned propaganda organ of movement conservatism. Sort of like Fox News. So it only makes sense that the WSJ's Editorial Page show on Fox would make no pretense whatever at providing even a vague semblance of fairness or balance.

On Saturday's program, they had on five different people to talk about the Employee Free Choice Act. Not one of them had a single positive thing to say about it -- and predictably, spent nearly the entire segment finding different ways to repeat the Zombie Lies that have been concocted to oppose the Act.

The most popular, of course, is the one that comes popping out of Paul Gigot's mouth right out of the gate -- that the Free Choice Act is "Big Labor's drive to eliminate the secret ballot in union elections". Please. How stupid do they think we are?

Evidently, plenty stupid, because they never stop repeating it.

I know these shows are supposed to be for money people. But the only money people I ever knew who got their advice from vacuumed-out bubbles like this one were losing money. Certainly, there's no reason for anyone interested in an actual debate, a contest of ideas, to tune into this show.

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