Is George Bush Off The Wagon? Or Was He Ever Really On It?

Watertiger notices that the Preznit had himself a drinky-poo at this weekend's Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation gathering in Lima. It's described i

Watertiger notices that the Preznit had himself a drinky-poo at this weekend's Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation gathering in Lima. It's described in this AFP report too:

Even teetotalling US President George W. Bush, who famously quit drinking at 40, was spotted apparently sipping a pisco sour during the summit on Saturday.

It was unclear whether he actually drank any, or whether it was an alcohol-free version.

The White House rebuffed questions about the matter.

Libby Spencer at The Reaction observes that this isn't the first time in recent months that Bush has appeared have been drinking.

Of course, the whole "Bush as a teetotaler" story always had the appearance of being more propaganda than reality. Jane has written convincingly that Bush evinces the classic symptoms of the "dry drunk". But I've always wondered, honestly, just how dry he's really been these eight years.

Certainly the wreckage he's leaving behind isn't the mark of someone in full command of his faculties. But that may be another story.

John Amato:

And since the National Enquirer is now considered a legitimate news source by right wingers after Edwards, how can they refute this 2005 report that said Laura was very upset over it and planned to monitor him.

Bush, who said he quit drinking the morning after his 40th birthday, has started boozing amid the Katrina catastrophe.

Family sources have told how the 59-year-old president was caught by First Lady Laura downing a shot of booze at their family ranch in Crawford, Texas, when he learned of the hurricane disaster.

His worried wife yelled at him: "Stop, George."

Following the shocking incident, disclosed here for the first time, Laura privately warned her husband against "falling off the wagon" and vowed to travel with him more often so that she can keep an eye on Dubya, the sources add

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