Get A Grip: NRA Fearmongers Are Whipping Up A Nasty Case Of Extremism After The Election
Hey, right-wingers: Let's have a little talk about the coming election. We realize it's not looking so hot for your side, what with the clown-car primary season we've gotten on the Republican side and all. But really, if you lose, it's not
Hey, right-wingers: Let's have a little talk about the coming election.
We realize it's not looking so hot for your side, what with the clown-car primary season we've gotten on the Republican side and all. But really, if you lose, it's not the end of the world.
You know that, we know that. It sucks to be you, but it is what it is. And it's not the apocalypse.
So we here in the world of normal people would like to make a request: Stop telling your followers that it is.
Because we know, with night-follows-day-certainty, that you folks have some violent and mentally unstable people lingering among your ranks. And we know with the same certainty that, after the election, these same people will begin acting out violently, usually leaving behind as victims we folks here on Planet Normal, if Obama does indeed win out, as is looking (thanks to GOP ineptitude) increasingly likely.
And it will be all because they believe the crazy-ass crap you guys spew in order to get them all whipped up and eager to vote.
The leading nutcase in this parade has been the National Rifle Association's Wayne LaPierre, who has been warning his fellow right-wingers of a massive Obama conspiracy to destroy the Second Amendment:
If you want a glimpse of a genuine nightmare for America, just look at what’s headed our way.
But unlike a nightmare, this isn’t some fantasy. It’s a very real, very dangerous conspiracy of public deception intended to destroy your Right to Keep and Bear Arms. It’s targeted directly at you.
And it’ll succeed unless you recognize it, understand it, and take action now to stop it.
Gosh Almighty! What a nefarious scheme! And here's how it will work:
1. Neutralize gun owners and NRA voters as a political force in national elections, and thereby:
2. Win re-election to a second term in the White House, where they then will be immune to the will of voters and free to continue consolidating and misusing their ever-increasing power to:
3. Prosecute a full-scale, sustained, all-out campaign to excise the Second Amendment from our Bill of Rights through legislation, litigation, regulation, executive orders, judicial fiat, international treaties—in short, all the levers of power of all three branches of government.
Recall what he told the CPAC folks: