popped up the other day in the Twilight Zone between Neil Cavuto's Fox News show and the Glenn Beck show immediately following.
Cavuto was running that crazy mug shot of Jared Lee Loughner and intoning thus:
CAVUTO: I want you to look at him. Look at him closely. Maybe you recognize this guy. But I don't. Maybe you think this guy is all of us. But I don't. I just see a nut. We didn't make him. He made and then unmade himself.
The image then seamlessly becomes this one -- and the resemblance is remarkable:
The script works for that guy, too! And the more I think about it, the more the daily rants from Glenn Beck start to eerily resemble Loughner's YouTube offerings.
Which is maybe why Driftglass provides us with this telling Photoshop.
I know! Let's start a rumor that Loughner is actually the secret love child of Glenn Beck (who in fact used to work in radio in Phoenix). And it will have every bit as firm a foundation as your average "Barack Obama is a secret whites-hating Marxist who is trying to destroy America" rant. Get out your chalkboards!