The Gulf Oil Spill Makes Right-wing 'Drill Baby Drill' Fans Look Like Idiots. So Of Course, It's A Liberal Conspiracy

[media id=12720] The Gulf oil spill is such a disaster of monstrous proportions -- one that makes the right-wing "drill baby drill" chants look, you

Sure enough. Of course, they had to scrape down to X-Files Conspiracy Land to get there, but yesterday on Fox & Friends, ex-White House secretary Dana Perino and Fox talker Eric Bolling took turns at promoting a conspiracy theory that, somehow, the Obama administration had delayed attacking the leak because they wanted it to, as a way to shut down the offshore drilling that Obama had just announced the month before.

Or something like that.

Perino: But we don't know what happened. And it will be interesting to me -- I'm not trying to introduce a conspiracy theory, but was this deliberate? You know, you have to wonder -- yeah, if there was sabotage involved.

Bolling: The question is -- and I saw Dana Perino earlier on the show saying, you know, why the delay in the response. You guys were pointing out, nine days before it was even addressed, 12 days before he made a formal comment. The question is: Did they let this thing leak? I mean, BP said maybe a thousand barrels a day, it went to five thousand. Did they let it leak a little bit and say, boy I don't know. The conspiracy theorists would say, 'maybe they'd let it leak for a while, and then they addressed the issue. ...

That would be a humongous accusation and probably the net result would be no different, but if they're going to try and pull drilling, that may be the way they do it.

The weren't alone. Limbaugh the Hutt was saying the same thing, only more explicitly:

Yep, El Rushbo believes "environmentalist whackos" may have blown up the oil rig to "head off more oil drilling".

Just wait till that slick hits. These people should need places to hide then. Because really, this is going to transcend dumbass partisan gotcha games. Yes, it's a product of conservative governance, and we know who to look for when it comes time to assess blame. But there will plenty of time for that later.

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