Hannity's 'Little Idea': 'The Iraqis ... Need To Pay Us Back For Their Liberation. Every Single Solitary Penny'

[media id=12770] Sean Hannity was on quite a roll last night. First he suggested President Obama step down. Then, in a later segment, he actually con

suggested President Obama step down. Then, in a later segment, he actually contended that Iraq owes the United States all the money we spent on invading and occupying it for the past seven years:

Hannity: I've actually had an idea -- no one listens to little ol' Sean Hannity. But I'm like -- I think the Iraqis, with all their oil resources, need to pay us back for their liberation. Every single solitary penny. Because we really need --

Johnson: I really thought that from the beginning. I thought that that was kind of, part of the equation.

Hannity: It should have been part of the deal.

Johnson: Should have been part of the deal.

Hannity: I think it should be now. I think they owe us a lot for that.

Yeah, I bet the families of the estimated 100,000-plus innocent civilians who we "liberated" from their existence on the planet would be more than happy to "pay us back."

Especially considering that no one in Iraq asked for us to liberate them -- we just did it on our own, illegally and under false pretenses.

It's true that Dick Cheney and Co. envisioned using the proceeds from the oil money they believed would soon be flowing through American auspices in Iraqi oil fields would cover the costs of the war -- and of course, that money never materialized, leaving American taxpayers holding the bag.

Funny how Hannity developed a case of amnesia regarding those facts.

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