How Long Will Fox Let Hannity Blatantly Lie About Global Temperatures In 2009?

[media id=11431] Sean Hannity keeps claiming that 2009 was the "coldest year on record." He did it again, as you can see, on Monday night. It's not

"ninth coldest year on record" -- the guy can't even lie consistently).

As Media Matters notes, Hannity's not even close -- in fact, 2009 was one of the warmest years on record:

NOAA: 2009 year-to-date global temperatures tied "as fifth warmest January-through-October period." NOAA's National Climatic Data Center stated in its October Global Analysis that "[f]or the year to date, the global combined land and ocean surface temperature of 14.7 °C (58.4 °F) tied with 2007 as the fifth-warmest January-through-October period on record."

Met Office: 2009 will be one of top five warmest years globally. The BBC reported on November 24 that "[t]his year will be one of the top five warmest years globally since records began 150 years ago, according to figures compiled by the Met Office." The BBC further reported that "[o]ther sources say it could even be the third warmest."

How long will Fox let him flagrantly, nakedly lie on his national broadcasts?

Oh, forever, probably.

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