Liz Cheney As The GOP Future: A Big Step Up From Palin, At Least
Liz Cheney told the Washington Times that she might consider a run for some kind of political office, which was the shoe we've all been waiting to dro
The daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney said Monday that running for political office is on her horizon.
"It's something I very well may do," said Elizabeth "Liz" Cheney, a lawyer and State Department appointee who has worked on two Republican presidential campaigns.
This of course set the cable heads who've had her on previously to chattering, including Chris Matthews, and she appeared on Sean Hannity's Fox News program and answered the question noncommittally. Uh-huh.
Now we're waiting for the other shoe to drop, which will be for Cheney to be declared one of the "fresh upcoming faces" for the GOP as it struggles to redefine itself in the post-Bush era. Nothing like a Cheney for that task, eh?
On the other hand, now that a majority of Republicans now think Sarah Palin is not qualified to be president, they need to start looking ahead. And for all her less-appealing qualities -- particularly the sneer she shares with her father -- she is at least seemingly competent and capable and reasonably intelligent. Which makes her a big improvement on Palin right away.
One certainly can see what Republicans would like about her: As you can see from the rest of the Hannity segment, she was out there touting her charge that the looming possibility of torture investigations proves "we can't trust Democrats with national security".
In other words, she fearmongers and lies and distorts right up there with the best of 'em. But then, she learned at the knee of one of the best.
Besides, I'm not sure that it's altogether a bad thing to have such a vivid reminder of the manifest failures of Bush/Cheney conservatism as another scheming Cheney out there fronting for the GOP.