O'Reilly And Beck Joke About Torturing People They Don't Like

[media id=7443] Whenever Glenn Beck and Bill O'Reilly get together, a new black hole of wingnuttery opens up in the time-space continuum. This could

Whenever Glenn Beck and Bill O'Reilly get together, a new black hole of wingnuttery opens up in the time-space continuum. This could eventually prove to be unhealthy for human existence.

Take last night for example:

O'Reilly: There's got to be a reason why Feinstein and Pelosi and Leahy and all these far-left loons want to do damage to the country. This hurts the United States. Al Qaeda -- you know who the happiest people in the world are on a CIA investigation? Al Qaeda. They're the happiest people. Let's find out what the CIA's up to. Who does it help? It helps Al Qaeda.

Beck: Are you saying that -- Wait a minute, are you saying that these guys might be un-American?

O'Reilly: I'm not saying un-American. I would never say that. I'm saying misguided severely. And maybe should be tortured.

Beck: [Laughs] Who gets to do that?

O'Reilly: We'll play them your show. For them? That would be really torture.

Beck: Now do they have to watch the whole thing? Because -- nah, that might be too much.

O'Reilly: We could strap them to the chair!

I'm sure that, like most right-wingers, they will dismiss any dismay expressed over this kind of violent eliminationist rhetoric as being a matter of humorlessness.

But they don't seem to realize that it really tells us everything we need to know about these maladjusted freaks that this fits their definition of what's funny. When little children enjoy pulling the wings off flies and stringing up the neighbor's cat, we take them to the doctor.

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