Pat Buchanan Wonders If The Nation Will Survive Having 135 Million Hispanics
[media id=7664] Leave it to Pitchfork Pat Buchanan to take a seemingly rational discussion of America's relationship with Mexico on Andrea Mitchell's
Leave it to Pitchfork Pat Buchanan to take a seemingly rational discussion of America's relationship with Mexico on Andrea Mitchell's MSNBC show this morning and turn it into a Latino-bashing bigotfest:
Buchanan: Mexico is the greatest foreign-policy crisis I think America faces in the next 20-30 years. Who is gonna care, Andrea, thirty years from now whether a Sunni or a Shi'a is in Baghdad, or who's ruling in Kabul? We're going to have 135 million Hispanics living in the United States by 2050, heavily concentrated in the Southwest. The question is whether we're going to survive as a country.
Rrrrrright. I gather he's been listening to Glenn Beck.
Actually, this is hardly the first time such a pronouncement has come out of Buchanan's mouth. Indeed, his racism has become so open that it remains Exhibit A in calling BS on the right-wing claim that liberal political correctness has driven all such sentiments from the public square.
It's almost like he's the crazy Bircherite uncle no one wants to talk to at the family picnic, because you know he's just going to burst out eventually with some rude display of bigotry. And sure enough ...