Right-wing Talking Points On Free Choice Act Crumble Like An Old Cookie
[media id=7293] Stuart Acuff of the AFL-CIO was on Neil Cavuto's Fox News show earlier this week, and it seemed like Cavuto tossed every right-wing t
Stuart Acuff of the AFL-CIO was on Neil Cavuto's Fox News show earlier this week, and it seemed like Cavuto tossed every right-wing talking point imaginable about the Employee Free Choice Act** at him, and each time Acuff shot them down with great ease. By the end of the segment, Cavuto was clearly frustrated.
This seems to happen a lot whenever right-wingers actually try to engage anyone knowledgeable about the Free Choice Act. The facts aren't on their side. Which is why when Glenn Beck and Bill O'Reilly discussed it this week, they only had on fellow right-wingers.
More facts can be found at the AFL-CIO and SEIU sites.
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