Right-wingers Who Hit 'President Pantywaist' Have Egg On Their Faces After U.S. Forces Killed Pirates

Before yesterday's remarkable success story on the high seas off the coast of Somalia, the right-wing yammerers were calling Obama "President Pantywai

yesterday's remarkable success story on the high seas off the coast of Somalia, the right-wing yammerers were calling Obama "President Pantywaist". One of these blogs had the following classic line:

Navy SEALs are certainly no pantywaists, but unfortunately their commander-in-chief is.

Fox News, as you can see in the video above, was littered with similar yammering.

Now the best part: It turns out that "President Pantywaist" overturned George W. Bush's timid dithering on the issue last year in unleashing those Navy SEALs:

President Barack Obama issued a standing order to use force against pirates holding an American captain hostage — including giving a Navy commander the authority to act if he believed the captain’s life was in danger, two senior defense officials said Sunday night.

Navy snipers aboard the USS Bainbridge on Sunday shot and killed three of the pirates after the Bainbridge’s commander gave the order, when a pirate was spotted aboard the lifeboat pointing an AK-47 rifle at Capt. Richard Phillips, one defense official said.

You see, back last November, George W. Bush punted on the matter:

U.S. President George W. Bush has been briefed about increasing attacks by Somali pirates off east Africa, and the United States is consulting with other U.N. Security Council members on ways to combat the threat, the White House said on Wednesday.

Calling it a "a very complicated issue," White House spokeswoman Dana Perino gave no hint of what, if any, action the United States might take following the hijacking earlier this week of a Saudi supertanker with a $100 million oil cargo.

Obama signed the order giving the Navy the go-ahead to take these people out when they had the opportunity in February.

But the mighty armchair generals of the right will never acknowledge this, of course.

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