Sunday Bobblehead Thread: Of Course, Righties To Talk About Dems

Just as Nicole pointed out, it's a GOP-heavy lineup for the Sunday talk shows today. Quelle surprise! Of course, that's who they'll have on after the Democratic Convention. Just like all those Republicans who were on after the Republican


Just as Nicole pointed out, it's a GOP-heavy lineup for the Sunday talk shows today. Quelle surprise! Of course, that's who they'll have on after the Democratic Convention. Just like all those Republicans who were on after the Republican Convention. See how that works?

We can hardly wait for the softballs that are likely to be lobbed Paul Ryan's way on ABC -- though of course they'll have to bring up his multiple falsehoods at the GOP confab. Just expect (a) Ryan to prevaricate and deny or play the false-equivalency card (Clinton did it too!) or better yet both, and (b) the panel questioning him to go, 'Um, OK.'

Anyway, here's the lineup:

ABC’s “This Week” — Republican vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan. Panel: Newark Mayor Cory Booker, co-chair of the Democratic platform committee; Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., author of the new book "Government Bullies"; ABC News' George Will; ABC News' Cokie Roberts; and Nobel Prize-winning New York Times columnist Paul Krugman

NBC’s “Meet the Press” — Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney and wife, Ann. Panel: San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro; the Wall Street Journal’s Peggy Noonan; the Washington Post’s EJ Dionne; Fmr. Secretary of Education Bill Bennett; and NBC’s Political Director and Chief White House Correspondent, Chuck Todd.

NBC’s “The Chris Matthews Show” – Panel: Michael Duffy, TIME Magazine; Trish Regan, Bloomberg News; Kasie Hunt, Associated Press, John Harris, Politico

CBS’ ”Face the Nation” — Ryan; President Barack Obama; White House adviser David Plouffe. "No Easy Day" author, former Navy SEAL "Mark Owen”. Panel: New York Times Chief Washington Correspondent David Sanger, CBS News Political Director John Dickerson, Washington Post Columnist Michael Gerson and Vanity Fair Contributing Editor Dee Dee Myers

MSNBC’s “Up with Chris Hayes” -- Sasha Issenberg, Author of “The Victory Lab: The Secret Sceince of Winning Campaigns”, slate.com columnist and Washington correspondent for Monocle. Jacob Hacker, Director of the Institution for Social and Policy Studies, Yale University. Chris Hughes, Chief Digital Organizer for the 2008 Obama Presidential Campaign, Co-founder of Facebook and Founder of Jumo.com, Michelle Goldberg, Senior Contributing Writer for Newsweek, Tulsi Gabbard, U.S. House candidate (D-Hawaii), Bob Shrum, Walter Shapiro, Peter Beinart, Senior Writer for Newsweek and The Daily Beast.

MSNBC’s “Melissa Harris-Perry” -- former Congressman Mickey Edwards, author of The Parties Versus The People, How to Turn Republicans and Democrats into Americans, Dorian Warren, Assistant professor of political science and international public affairs, SIPA, Columbia university, Valarie Kaur, Sikh American Filmmaker Director, Groundswell, Judith Browne Dianis, Co-Director, Advancement Project, Eboo Patel, Author, "Sacred Ground,” Amaney Jamal, Politics Professor, Princeton University, Kenji Yoshino, Chief Justice Earl Warren Professor of Consitutional Law, NYU School of Law

CNN’s “State of the Union” — Gov. Jerry Brown, D-Calif.; former House Speaker Newt Gingrich. Co-founder of CarMax, Austin Ligon, and former Bush Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez. Panel: Peter Baker, The New York Times and A.B Stoddard, “The Hill”.

CNN’s “Fareed Zakaria GPS” – Anne-Marie Slaughter, Richard Haass, and Martin Indyk; investor Roger Altman and historian Niall Ferguson, statistician Nate Silver.

CNN’s “Reliable Sources with Howard Kurtz” -- Jackie Kucinich, USA Today; Jane Hall, American University; Bob Cusack, The Hill; Michelle Cottle, Newsweek/The Daily Beast; Matt Lewis, The Daily Caller; Erik Wemple, Washington Post; Lois Romano, Politico

“Fox News Sunday” — Glenn Hubbard, economic adviser to the Romney campaign; Austan Goolsbee, former chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisers; Mayor Mia Love of Saratoga Springs, Utah. Panel: Brit Hume, Fox News Senior Political Analyst, Mara Liasson, National Public Radio / Fox News Contributor, Kimberley Strassel, The Wall Street Journal, Juan Williams, Fox News Political Analyst.

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