Visions Of Nazis Are Dancing In Glenn Beck's Head

[media id=9395] Glenn Beck was in prime form last night. He warned everyone up front that he wasn't arguing that eugenics are about to descend on Ame

if Rush can get away with it, he probably can, too.

And he makes plain that he completely supports Sarah Palin's intimations of "death panels" and subscribes to her view that universal health care will bring about euthanasia.

In other words, he's a "deather."

Oh, and as an added bonanza, he cries. Again. He always does this whenever he mentions his disabled daughter. Which reminds me: Why do these people who get all indignant when their families get mentioned always hold their families up for public displays of whatever political point they want to make? Just wondering.

File this one under "Deluxe Nutball Rant, with Nazis on the side."

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