Contessa Brewer Cuts The Mic! Why Exactly Does Anyone Put A Jackass Like John Ziegler On The Air?

Two words come to mind every time John Ziegler appears on TV: Braying. Jackass. Contessa Brewer had him on MSNBC this morning to talk about David Let

could have gotten that idea:

A 52% majority of those surveyed [all adults] couldn’t come up with a name when asked to specify “the main person” who speaks for Republicans today. Of those who could, the top response was radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh (13%), followed in order by former vice president Dick Cheney, Arizona Sen. John McCain and former House speaker Newt Gingrich. Former president George W. Bush ranked fifth, at 3%.

So the dominant faces of the Republican Party are all men, all white, all conservative and all old enough to join AARP, ranging in age from 58 (Limbaugh) to 72 (McCain). They include some of the country’s most strident voices on issues from Sonia Sotomayor’s nomination to the Supreme Court to President Obama’s policies at home and abroad. Two are retired from politics, and one has never been a candidate.

There's also the flaming a-hole demographic. It looks like Ziegler has that one covered.

Ziegler: ...and surprise, surprise, she gave an incredibly classy answer showing far more class than clearly most people on this network have,"

Brewer: I don't really know what to do with that. Honestly, I'm here to give you an opportunity, I consider myself a common sense thinker, I haven't attacked you, and for you to come on and use those sort of insults, insults me.

..cut the mic please.

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