BP Exec: Only 'A Little Bit' More Oil Will Spill During LMRP

Scientists have said that up to twenty percent more oil could gush out after underwater robots cut off the the pipe at the top of the blow out prevent

19,000 barrels per day. A twenty percent increase would mean an additional 3,800 barrels per day.

BP initially estimated the flow rate at 1,000 barrels per day and then revised that estimate to 5,000 barrels per day.

White House energy policy advisor Carol Browner believes BP has a vested interest in underestimating the flow rate. "I think it's important for the public to understand that BP does have a financial interest in downplaying the size of the flow," Browner told ABC's Robin Roberts Tuesday.

"The American people need to know what the number is and this number will become an important piece of the litigation going forward because BP will be required to pay fines, a per barrel, per day fine of what they are leaking," she said.

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