BP: 'We're Not Blaming Anyone Yet'

BP has said they are responsible for the Gulf oil spill but now they seem to be reserving the right to blame someone else. Fox News' Chris Wallace

BP has said they are responsible for the Gulf oil spill but now they seem to be reserving the right to blame someone else.

Fox News' Chris Wallace questioned the managing director of BP, Bob Dudley, about the companies poor safety record. While taking full responsibility for the spill, Dudley indicated they may shift that responsibility in the future.

"Over the last decade, It's fair to say that BP has had a poor safety record. In fact, just over the last three years according to OSHA, the government's workplace safety agency, BP had 760 what are called "egregious, willful safety violations." Two other oil companies were next with just eight. How do you explain that, sir?" asked Wallace.

"It primarily goes back to an incident we had in Texas about a half a decade ago where tragedy and explosion of refinery in Houston. Then we've had an issue in Alaska as well," said Dudley.

"In the last three years, the chief executive of the company Tony Hayward has brought in a program top to bottom where we focus on safe and reliable operations and ingrained it in the culture of the company," he said.

"Forgive me, Mr. Dudley, that hasn't worked too well, has it?" Wallace interrupted.

"We have had this accident in the Gulf, which we're taking full responsibility for. We're not blaming anyone yet for it. The investigation of this will determine the causes," explained Dudley.

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