Coulter: Maybe Time To 'Go After The Obama Children'

Ann Coulter, a controversial backer of Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, suggests that conservatives should begin attacking President Barack Obama's two young daughters. On Wednesday, Fox News host Sean Hannity told Coulter that

Ann Coulter, a controversial backer of Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, suggests that conservatives should begin attacking President Barack Obama's two young daughters.

On Wednesday, Fox News host Sean Hannity told Coulter that liberals had been "feigning outrage" over radio host Rush Limbaugh calling Georgetown University law student a "slut" because she wanted contraception to be covered by her health insurance.

"Coming from people who are constantly telling us about their abortions and their vaginas, no, I find it very hard to believe that they're so upset about any word Rush Limbaugh uses," Coulter explained. "I don't really care what words people use. I don't care about dirty jokes, sexist jokes, racist jokes etcetera, etcetera. All I care about is that they be funny. And I would like to hold a little seminar for certain individuals like David Letterman's writers to explain what is funny and what isn't."

CBS comedian David Letterman apologized in 2009 for joking that former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's then-18-year-old daughter, Bristol, had been "knocked up" by New York Yankees baseball player Alex Rodriguez after conservatives insisted he had been talking about Palin's 14-year-old daughter, Piper.

"I don't think that it's ever funny to make fun of -- like your buddy [Bill] Maher did -- the children of Rick Santorum or Gov. Palin in the manner he did," Hannity said.

"That's right, and they do go after the children," Coulter agreed. "I just say that going after the children generally ought to be off limits. It has not been off limits for Republicans, though, conservatives have taken the Obama children off limits."

"So maybe it's time to start imitating liberals in another way and go after the Obama children," she added. "By the way, that has been done grotesquely and viscously over the years by the left."

While most public figures do avoid keeping the children of politicians out of the line of fire, Limbaugh in 1993 attacked the then-13-year-old daughter of President Bill Clinton.

"Socks is the White House cat, but did you know there is also a White House dog?" Limbaugh asked while holding up a picture of Chelsea Clinton.

(H/T: Media Matters)

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