announced earlier this week that Christina Aguilera, Jon Bon Jovi, Billy Joel, Bruce Springsteen and Sting would all be performing a the Friday benefit concert, "Hurricane Sandy: Coming Together." Money collected during the one-hour broadcast will go to the American Red Cross Hurricane Sandy relief efforts.
But because most of the announced stars have supported Obama in the past, conservative media have panned the concert as "an ode to Obama’s grand and glorious leadership during Hurricane Sandy."
On Friday, Fox & Friends guest host Eric Bolling floated the idea that NBC had rushed the concert "to make President Obama look presidential."
"It does look like they are trying squeeze things in," co-host Steve Doocy agreed. "Where are the conservative performers? There aren't any on the list I saw.
Doocy recalled that during a telethon for 2005 Hurricane Katrina, singer Kayne West had declared that "George Bush doesn't care about black people."
"How is NBC going to control what the people say?" the Fox News host wondered.
Bolling noted that NBC had waited for 10 days to host an event to support victims of the attacks on Sept. 11, 2001.
"It let the city get its feet under itself first," Bolling insisted. "This just seems like a rush job because the election is going to be three days after that."
"Is it a hurricane benefit or a concert for Obama?" Doocy added.
"I don't know," Bolling replied.
(h/t: Huffington Post)