Fox News Host Eric Bolling: 'Obamacare Literally May Kill You'

Fox News co-host Eric Bolling on Wednesday asserted that President Barack Obama's health care reform law could "literally" kill people. During a segment about Medicare on Fox News' The Five, co-host Dana Perino asked Bolling if Republican vice

awarded former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (R) the the "lie of the year" for her claim that the Affordable Care Act would establish so-called "death panels."

A fact check by The Associated Press determined that "Palin and other critics are wrong" that the health care bill would create a "death panel."

"Nothing in the legislation would carry out such a bleak vision," the AP wrote. "The provision that has caused the uproar would instead authorize Medicare to pay doctors for counseling patients about end-of-life care, if the patient wishes."

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