Fox Hosts Whine: 'No Follow Up' On Hillary Concussion Conspiracy

The hosts of Fox & Friends on Monday lashed out at 60 Minutes correspondent Steve Kroft because he failed to devote a significant part of his Sunday interview with President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to their conspiracy.

Sunday interview with President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to "follow up" on the suggestion that the secretary may have not told the truth about a concussion that delayed her testimony on Benghazi.

In December, Fox News regulars like former Florida Rep. Allen West and former United States Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton -- along with numerous other network hosts and personalities -- mocked Clinton by suggesting that had conspired to fake a “diplomatic illness” or “Benghazi allergy” to avoid going before lawmakers.

"If you give somebody 30 minutes [for an interview], you could get real news -- especially Steve Kroft, who is usually awesome," co-host Brian Kilmeade opined on Monday. "But I think for some reason, they just didn't dig in to anything at all. For one thing, I would like to know, did she pass out and hit her head? Was she pushed? How did she hit her head and get a concussion?"

"She said -- quote -- 'I still have some lingering effects from falling on my head,'" co-host Steve Doocy noted. "That's all she said! And there was no follow up!"

"Okay, she was injured, she had a concussion," co-host Gretchen Carlson pointed out, attempting to inject some reality into the conversation.

"That's a question I have!" Kilmeade exclaimed.

"How did you follow on your head?" Doocy insisted.

"She passed out, I think was the story," Carlson continued. "For me, this was more of -- the first thing that came to my mind when I saw the two of them together was, Barack Obama is going to endorse Hillary Clinton for president in 2016. That's why they were doing this interview together, I think."

"Then Joe Biden just passed out on his head, he's going to be seeing double soon," Kilmeade quipped as Doocy simulated Biden's imagined accident by placing his head on the studio desk.

"Bonk!" Doocy said.

(h/t: Media Matters)

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