Fox News Tells Striking Workers To Get Two Jobs And 'Expect To Get Paid The Minimum Wage'

The hosts of Fox & Friends on Friday suggested that fast food workers should stop striking for higher pay and get a second job because the minimum wage "was never meant to be a career wage."

went on strike to demand a wage of at least $15 an hour. The current median wage of $9 an hour puts workers at about $4,500 lower that the poverty threshold of $23,000 for a family of four. The current minimum wage in New York City is $7.25.

"Here's the deal, you're a minimum wage worker, that's an entry-level salary," Fox News host Brian Kilmeade opined on Friday. "If you're good, you'll get a raise."

"Minimum wage was never meant to be a career wage. If you work hard you will get higher -- you will get more money. Here's the other thing, as hard as it is in some cases, because you are a single mom or a single dad, you've got to get another job. You've got to get another job on top of that so you have two incomes."

"Brian you hit on the nose, I think, the key thing," co-host Steve Doocy remarked. "If it is a minimum wage job, expect to get paid the minimum wage."

"The National Restaurant Association said that they provide 13 million jobs, and those jobs could be jeopardized across the country if the minimum wage goes up," he added. "The industry says one of the best paths to achieving the American dream is to start with an entry level, minimum-wage job that is minimum wage."

(h/t: Media Matters)

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