GOP Senator: DeMint's Heath Care Remarks 'Unfortunate'

(h/t David) Senate Minority Whip Sen. John Kyl expressed "regret" for remarks made by a fellow Republican senator on health care reform Sunday. Sen.

(h/t David)

Senate Minority Whip Sen. John Kyl expressed "regret" for remarks made by a fellow Republican senator on health care reform Sunday. Sen. Jim DeMint was quote by Politico as saying "If we are able to stop Obama on this it will be his Waterloo. It will break him."

Sen. John Kyl told Fox News' Brett Baier that those remarks were "unfortunate." "I don't agree with that language," he said. But, tellingly, he didn't disagree with the sentiments, his weasel words trying to deflect the political calculus of it all:

BAIER: Senator, your colleague from South Carolina, Jim DeMint said this this week: “If we’re able to stop Obama on this it will be his Waterloo. It will break him.”

Your colleague from Oklahoma, Sen. Jim Inhofe said this: “We can stall the Democratic effort on health reform. We can stall it. And that’s going to be a huge gain for those of us who want to turn this thing over in the 2010 election.”

Senator Kyl, do you agree with them?

KYL: I don’t agree with that kind of language. I know what Jim DeMint has said is he wanted to break the momentum of the inevitability of passing these liberal health care bills. They said we had to pass stimulus and do it immediately or else the economy would see 10% or 8% unemployment, it’s now gone to 10%. And what we’re saying is slow this down, so that we don’t do…we don’t make another bad mistake here. But I do think that because the language has political implications, it’s unfortunate. Both sides talk about the politics of these issues. I don’t think we ought to be focused on that.

Kyl is nothing but a big, fat liar. OF COURSE they're speaking of political implications, because that's their focus. They don't care about the 76% of Americans who want health care reform. They don't care about the 145,000 Americans who will lose their health insurance over the month of August alone. Plain and simple: They don't care about Americans.

What they DO care about is regaining a majority again to stymie any success Obama might have in his first term in office, much like Newt Gingrich and his Contract On For America did in 1994. This is ALL about politics for the republicans and Kyl knows it. At least DeMint and Inhofe have the intellectual honesty to admit it.

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