Hoekstra Won't Defend Fundraising Off Of Terror Plot

Rep. Pete Hoekstra has been criticized for sending a fundraising letter that cited a failed Christmas day airline bombing. Hoekstra declined to defen

has been criticized for sending a fundraising letter that cited a failed Christmas day airline bombing.

Hoekstra declined to defend his fundraising tactics Sunday. "Once upon a time, there was a tradition of solidarity and refraining from criticizing the president at the time the nation was under attack," ABC's Terry Moran told Hoekstra. "Three days after this attempt to kill 300 people over the skies of Detroit, you sent out a fundraising letter," said Moran.

"Given that tradition that once was part of this country are you proud of that -- of fund-raising off a national crisis like that?" asked Moran.

But Hoekstra deflected the question. "I've been leading on national security for the last nine years. Over the last two to three months, I've been concerned about where the administration is taking us on national security issues," said Hoekstra.

Moran pressed the congressman. "But I'm asking about raising money off the attempted attack on 30 people three days after the attempt occurred?"

Hoekstra wasn't in the mood to directly respond to the question. "I'm proud of the role of making sure America is safe. I've been right on the facts all along," replied Hoekstra.

John Amato:

This man is a total fool and should not be on my TV giving his opinions on anything substantial. This partisan hack claimed to have found the missing WMDs in Iraq. How stupider can a Congressman be? What will it take for our media to even ask him about his phony WMD claims? It's time to being on a Network Ombudsmen to fact check pundits and politicians when they make bogus claims and distort the truth. The fact that they are allowed to spread propaganda is bad enough. At least they can be held accountable for it.

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