Huckabee Asks Nugent To Turn His Hunting Dog 'Loose On Some Democrats'

Fox News host Mike Huckabee and Ted Nugent on Tuesday hatched a plan to take the conservative rocker's "world's greatest hunting dog" and "him loose on some Democrats" so they could get the "varmints" out of office.

Fox News host Mike Huckabee and Ted Nugent on Tuesday hatched a plan to take the conservative rocker's "world's greatest hunting dog" and "him loose on some Democrats" so they could get the "varmints" out of office.

Huckabee began his Tuesday interview with Nugent by asking about "Gonzo, the wonder Labrador Retriever."

"Nobody hunts more than the Nugent family," Nugent explained. "We literally hunt anywhere between 250 and 300 days a year. And you think Gonzo is good on ducks, you should see him on squirrels and doves and rabbits and woodcock and grouse. He really is a mystical, wonderful hunting dog."

"Well, maybe we ought to turn him loose on some Democrats and see if he can hunt them too," Huckabee suggested.

"Well, there's a lot of varmints out there," Nugent agreed. "I think he would do good pointing to varmints and then we could vote them out of office. What do you say?"

"I'm all about it," Huckabee replied.

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