Imus Calls Limbaugh 'Insincere Pig' After 'Slut' Apology

Fox Business Network host Don Imus is calling Rush Limbaugh an "insincere pig" after the conservative icon begrudgingly apologized to a Georgetown University law student for calling her a "slut" and a "prostitute." In a statement on his website

statement on his website over the weekend, Limbaugh said he "sincerely" apologized to Sandra Fluke, who had testified before Congress about the need for contraception coverage at colleges and universities, even if they are owned by religious institutions.

By Sunday, at least seven businesses had suspended advertising on Limbaugh's show.

"It was a vile personal attack on this woman and it was sustained," Imus noted on Monday. "It was Wednesday and then come back and double down on Thursday and then come back and double down on Friday. And then, issue a lame apology on your website."

"So were it me and I ran a radio station or whatever, I would make him go down there and apologize to her face to face. He owns a Gulfstream IV (jet). Get on it, go to Washington, take her to lunch and say, 'Look, I'm sorry I said this stuff and I'll never do it again. Period.' Now, he's an insincere pig. Pill-popping pinhead."

Imus continued: "I mean it's disgraceful. You got to show some guts. He has no guts. Look what I did. And what I did was a lame attempt to be funny. And it was three words and I went and met with these people after I'd been fired! You got to show guts. He has no guts. He's a punk."

In April of 2007, Imus was fired by MSNBC after he referred to the Rutgers University women's basketball team with the racist term "nappy-headed hos." The morning show host later met with members of the team at the New Jersey governor's mansion.

(H/T: Media Matters)

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