Inhofe Insists He's The Victim After Nearly Killing Airport Workers

Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK) is introducing legislation to create a "pilot's bill of rights" because he feels he was unfairly treated by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). In October, airport construction workers told the FAA that Inhofe had

legislation to create a "pilot's bill of rights" because he feels he was unfairly treated by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).

In October, airport construction workers told the FAA that Inhofe had endangered their lives when he landed on a runway that was clearly marked as closed.

"He sky hopped over us," airport construction supervisor Sidney Boyd told an FAA representative. "He was determined to land on that runway come hell or high water evidently."

"He come over here and started being like, 'What the hell is this? I was supposed to have unlimited airspace,'" the construction supervisor recalled of a confrontation with Inhofe following the mishap.

The FAA agreed to drop legal enforcement action in exchange for the completion of about seven hours of remedial flight training.

"He almost landed a plane on a group of construction workers on a closed runway, inexplicably, but now he’s the victim," MSNBC's Rachel Maddow observed Wednesday.

"I did nothing wrong, but at any time I could have suffered the revocation of a license," the Oklahoma senator complained to Tulsa World.

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