Katrina Vanden Heuvel Smacks Down Karl Rove On Fiscal Policy
[media id=7452] Karl Rove criticized President Obama's proposed budget this morning on ABC's This Week. "He's now going to add more debt in the first
Karl Rove criticized President Obama's proposed budget this morning on ABC's This Week. "He's now going to add more debt in the first 20 months and 11 days than was incurred in 2 wars, 9/11 and the previous administration," argued Rove.
John Amato:
Greenberg hit the Conservatives over their failed handling of government which has all Americans suspicious of government as an institution, but that's been their mantra since Reagan.
Greenberg: The Conservatives' unbelievable poor performance and regrettably the last president's handling of government (Rove) has indeed reduced people's confidence to handle problems. You're absolutely right, they are right to do so. But what he's done is changed the rules of the game...
Not intimidated by Rove, Katrina vanden Heuvel shot back,
"It's laughable for you to talk about fiscal responsibility from someone who helped plunge this nation into trillion dollars of debt through tax cuts for the very rich and a war we never should have fought. Starving the beast, starving the government has been a Republican role in terms of government and therefore, when George asks why government hasn't functioned, (it's because) people have not seen the role of government in improving the conditions of their lives in decades."
Being lectured by Karl Rove over the deficit or anything else regarding this country is pretty sickening to witness. With Rove in charge, we've had the Wall Street meltdown as well as the ultimate illustration of what happens when conservatives rule: The response to Hurricane Katrina. Rove rejects Limbaugh's call of socialism as a talking point, but backs that flame-throwing rhetoric with all his heart. He's the master of slimy tactics as his own political record informs us. Rove looked flat and out of his element. Karl isn't as effective without Bill O'Reilly or Sean Hannity by his side. I wonder why? And George Will's baseball analogies fall flat as usual.