rousing endorsement of Barack Obama at the Democratic National Convention, but conservative columnist Charles Krauthammer clearly wasn't feeling the love.
"I think it was a giant swing and a miss," Krauthammer told Fox News anchor Brett Baier. "Mighty Casey -- and Bill Clinton is a natural -- struck out on this. I don't think it will move the needle whatsoever."
"It was vintage Clinton in that it was sprawling, undisciplined and truly self-indulgent," he continued. "This is one of the strangest nomination speeches, I think, ever given. ... I think it was a wasted opportunity of what could have been a great, stirring, rousing endorsement of Obama."
Most of Krauthammer's conservative peers, however, did not share his impression of the former president's 49-minute speech.
"You don't have to come back tomorrow. This convention is done," Republican strategist Alex Castellanos told CNN after Clinton's performance Wednesday night.
"This will be the moment that probably re-elected Barack Obama. Bill Clinton saved the Democratic Party once, it was going to far left, he came in, the new democrats took it to the center. He did it again tonight."