Ladies Of 'The View' Vow To Defeat Virginia's Cuccinelli If He Outlaws Oral Sex

On Monday, hosts of ABC's <em>The View</em> blasted Republican Virginia gubernatorial candidate Ken Cuccinelli over his campaign to reinstate a "Crimes Against Nature" law that would <a href="">outlaw oral and anal sex</a> even between consenting straight couples.

outlaw oral and anal sex even between consenting straight couples.

"What ever happened to the slogan, 'Virginia is for lovers'?" co-host Barbara Walters wondered.

"Only man-on-top lovers, that's it," co-host Joy Behar pointed out.

"What he does is he automatically equates oral sex with homosexuality, okay," Walters observed.

"Well, then I'm as gay as a gay two dollar bill," co-host Sherri Shepherd quipped. "I'm just sayin'."

Co-host Whoopi Goldberg demanded that Cuccinelli prove that he had not personally "indulged" in his so-called crimes against nature.

"The second thing is, why are you in my bedroom?" she added. "Get out! Get out! You know? Because what he is saying and what he is doing are two different things, and I don't remember God saying anything about you being in my bedroom telling me what to do."

"So sir, you're not going to become the governor if you stay on this track," Goldberg promised. "I'm going to make sure your behind doesn't become governor."

"Anal sex too," Behar noted. "He wants the government on my back and my husband off of it."

(h/t: BuzzFeed)

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