Lady Gaga Sings Tribute To Gay Teen Who Was Bullied To Death

Lady Gaga dedicated a performance of her hit single Hair to Jamey Rodemeyer, a gay 14-year-old Buffalo-area high school freshmen who killed himself after enduring years of bullying over his sexuality. "We lost a Little Monster this week," Gaga

announced last week that she wanted to meet with President Barack Obama and urge him to press for laws making bullying a federal hate crime.

Rodemeyer, who had been a big Lady Gaga fan, even thanked her in his final blog post. In a YouTube video posted earlier this year, the teen had said how much he loved the singer.

"Lady Gaga, she makes me so happy, and she lets me know that I was born this way," he explained.

Police are considering harassment, cyber-harassment or hate crimes charges for the students who bullied Rodemeyer.

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