McConnell: Any Employer Should Be Able To Deny Contraceptive Services

In the wake of a controversy over a requirement that religious institutions provide contraceptive coverage, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) now supports a bill that gives any employer the right to exclude any type health service that

Blunt's amendment (PDF) actually goes a lot farther than contraception, creating a loophole that allows any employer to exclude any health service.

"For example, any corporation whose CEO opposes contraception based on his 'moral convictions' could deny all coverage of contraception or any other service to the company’s employees," the center observed. "Even more disturbing, a CEO’s view of 'morality' could potentially include concern for the cost of a particular benefit. Such broad, undefined refusals (without any protections for the insured) would result in millions of individuals losing vital health service coverage."

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