McConnell Promises GOP Senators Will Hold Debt Ceiling Hostage

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) issued a stern warning Sunday that no Republican senators would vote to raise the debt ceiling if Democrats don't take what he called a "credible effort" to deal with the country's debt. "I don't

told The Wall Street Journal earlier this month.

"If we were to fail to increase the debt limit, we would send our economy into a tailspin."

When asked about Boehner's remarks, McConnell said he was only speaking for Republican senators.

"My prediction is not a single one of the 47 Republicans will vote to raise the debt ceiling unless it includes with it some credible effort to do something about our debt. Now, the House is another matter. I'm just predicting that the Senate Republican votes. I don't believe Senate Republicans are going to vote to raise the debt ceiling," he said.

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