reporting that his wife Callista was at the center of his campaign turmoil.
"I believe NBC owes Callista an apology because the fact is my campaign is my campaign," the former House Speaker told Fox News' Greta Van Susteren. "Yes, we make decisions as a couple but in the end, I take full responsibility and I think the program this morning was totally irresponsible and personally reprehensible and the kind of thing that makes it hard to get decent people to run for public office."
"NBC News, as you know, is standing by its reporting," Today Show host Ann Curry told NBC's Chuck Todd Thursday.
"Well, this is misplaced anger," Todd noted. "His anger should probably be at his aides because all of the reporting on this has been about Newt Gingrich was allowing his personal issues -- whether it was actions by his wife, whether it was actions by his production company -- to somehow be prioritized over the presidential campaign. That's why these folks left. Newt Gingrich was not putting a priority on running for president and instead was more worried about making money for his production company, going on this vacation, keeping things happy at home. Nothing wrong with those things, but that's not how you win a presidency."