O'Reilly Protects O'Donnell By Not Airing Clips Of 'Crazy Stuff'

Bill O'Reilly may have some dirt on Christine O'Donnell but he isn't coming clean just yet. The Fox News host said Monday that he had videotape of the Delaware Republican Senate candidate saying "crazy stuff" but wasn't going to air it yet in

Maher released a tape of O'Donnell saying she "dabbled" in witchcraft. Maher said he would release a new clip every week until O'Donnell agreed to come on his show.

In the 1999 Politically Incorrect interview, O'Donnell admitted, "I dabbled into witchcraft." She added that she never joined a coven.

Maher told The Associated Press that he likes O'Donnell.

"I'm trying to be fair to Christine O'Donnell," said O'Reilly. "She's been on the program a couple of times, and we have some kind of crazy stuff that she said. We're not going to play it yet. I don't think it's relevant - yet. We'd still like Ms. O'Donnell to come on the Factor. I'm not in the business of injuring her. I'd like to see if she's the better candidate."

O'Reilly didn't elaborate on what "crazy stuff" O'Donnell might have said on his show.

Perhaps one such incident is an 2007 appearance on The O'Reilly Factor where O'Donnell contended that American scientists were cross-breeding animals and humans.

Scientists are "coming up with mice with fully functioning human brains," O'Donnell said.

The candidate canceled two national media appearances Sunday with Fox News and CBS. She told Sean Hannity Tuesday that he would be her final national television interview before the election.

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