Palin Says God 'Blessed' Her With A Platform On Fox News

Fox News host Chris Wallace on Sunday defended colleague Sarah Palin said that he found comparisons between federal debt to human slavery to be "fairly unobjectionable."

Fox News host Chris Wallace on Sunday defended colleague Sarah Palin said that he found comparisons between federal debt to human slavery to be "fairly unobjectionable."

Earlier this month, MSNBC host Martin Bashir had blasted Palin after a speech in Iowa, where she had said that borrowing money from China was "going to be like slavery when that note is due."

Bashir read remarks from the diary from notorious slaveholder Thomas Thistlewood, who allegedly forced slaves to eat human feces. He said that if anyone was deserving of such punishment, it was Palin.

The MSNBC host later apologized, insisting that he had "brought shame upon my friends and colleagues at this network."

In a Sunday interview, Wallace told Palin she had made "fairly unobjectionable remarks" by comparing federal debt to slavery.

"The definition of slavery is to be beholden to a master and we will be beholden when that note is due," Palin insisted. "As for the network's condoning those type of statements, because there's been no punishment of the fellow who said these words, that's hypocrisy. That's a given, though, when a conservative woman says something that they take offense, they usually just kind of poo-poo it, laugh it off as no big deal."

But the former Alaska governor said that she was used to people attacking her and God had given her a platform on Fox News to defend herself.

"I move on and I charge forth," she explained. "However, if Mr. Bashir or anybody else in this media elite bubble that they put themselves were to attack someone who is defenseless like a vulnerable child who does not have the podium, that microphone that God has blessed me to be able to express my opinion, if they don't have that type of platform to defend themselves, well, if you want to see a mama grizzly get riled up and slap that person down then you come after a vulnerable child."

"As for the apologies, well obviously, you know, who am I not to accept an apology? Everyone must humble themselves and accept that offer to -- of apology."

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