RNC Chair Reince Priebus Is A Fanboy: Rand Paul's Filibuster Was 'Completely Awesome'

The chairman of the Republican Party on Thursday said that Sen. Rand Paul's (R-KY) filibuster of CIA Director John Brennan was "completely awesome."

Des Moines Register, conservative activists in Iowa told Priebus that they wanted to see more integration between former Rep. Ron Paul's "liberty movement" and the Republican Party.

"Clearly, I think, in Iowa we have a liberty movement that we need to grow, that we need to welcome in our party," Priebus agreed. “Constitutional Republicans, liberty Republicans, is a big piece of a growing party that’s young, that cares about issues like freedom, the Constitution. And obviously there’s a core here.”

Not all Republicans, however, displayed the kind of "unity" over Paul's filibuster that Priebus seemed to be hoping for.

Sens. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and John McCain (R-AZ) took the the Senate floor on Thursday to blast Paul's action as a political stunt.

"To my Republican colleagues, I don’t remember any of you coming down here suggesting that President Bush was going to kill anybody with a drone, do you?" Graham pointed out. “They had a drone program back then, all of a sudden this drone program has gotten every Republican so spun up.

"What are we up to here?”

Strange says indeed, when Lindsey Grahamcracker is defending the Obama administration.

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