Des Moines Register, conservative activists in Iowa told Priebus that they wanted to see more integration between former Rep. Ron Paul's "liberty movement" and the Republican Party.
"Clearly, I think, in Iowa we have a liberty movement that we need to grow, that we need to welcome in our party," Priebus agreed. “Constitutional Republicans, liberty Republicans, is a big piece of a growing party that’s young, that cares about issues like freedom, the Constitution. And obviously there’s a core here.”
Not all Republicans, however, displayed the kind of "unity" over Paul's filibuster that Priebus seemed to be hoping for.
Sens. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and John McCain (R-AZ) took the the Senate floor on Thursday to blast Paul's action as a political stunt.
"To my Republican colleagues, I don’t remember any of you coming down here suggesting that President Bush was going to kill anybody with a drone, do you?" Graham pointed out. “They had a drone program back then, all of a sudden this drone program has gotten every Republican so spun up.
"What are we up to here?”
Strange says indeed, when Lindsey Grahamcracker is defending the Obama administration.