Walker Admits 'Love' For Paul Ryan: 'If He Had A Fan Club, I'd Be The President'

Gov. Scott Walker (R-WI) on Sunday said that members of Congress had no business running for president, but also expressed his "love" for former Republican vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan (R-WI).

Gov. Scott Walker (R-WI) on Sunday said that members of Congress had no business running for president, but also expressed his "love" for former Republican vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan (R-WI).

The union-busting Wisconsin governor told ABC's Jonathan Karl that the 2016 Republican nominee needed to be "an outsider."

"I think both the presidential and vice presidential nominees should either be a former or current governor, people who've done successful things in their states, have taken on big reforms, who are ready to move America forward," he explained.

Karl noted that Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) and Ryan all failed to meet Walker's criteria.

"Yeah and I love Paul Ryan," the governor insisted. "Paul Ryan, if he had a fan club, I'd be the president of that."

As far as his own presidential ambitions, Walker said that he wouldn't commit to serving out his second term as governor "because it's not about the time you serve in office."

"I don't rule anything out," he smiled.

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