Zimmerman Lawyer Opens Trayvon Murder Trial With 'Knock-Knock' Joke

Attorney George West began his defense of George Zimmerman on Monday by telling the jury a "knock-knock" joke.

Attorney George West began his defense of George Zimmerman on Monday by telling the jury a "knock-knock" joke.

During his opening statement, West told the jury that the death of Trayvon Martin was a "sad case."

"Sometimes you have to laugh to keep from crying," he explained. "So, let me -- at considerable risk -- let me say, I would like to tell you a little joke. I know how that may sound a bit weird in this context under these circumstances. But I think you're the perfect audience for it as long as you -- if you don't like it or find it funny or appropriate, that you don't hold it against Mr. Zimmerman, you can hold it against me. I have your assurance you won't?"

"Knock, knock. Who's there? George Zimmerman. George Zimmerman who?" West said. "Alright, good, you're on the jury."

"Nothing?" he added when the jury apparently failed to laugh. "That's funny. After what you folks have been through the last two or three weeks."

Following the joke, West most on to "the serious business" of the trial.

"George Zimmerman is not guilty of murder," the attorney insisted. "He shot Trayvon Martin in self defense after being viciously attacked."

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