11-Year-Old Chides Rude City Council Members

When the Dallas City Council ignored constituents at an open meeting this week, an 11-year-old boy decided he wasn't going to take their rudeness sitting down.

Dallas News | myFOXdfw.com

11-year-old David Williams attended a Dallas City Council meeting this week so he could tell the members of his concerns about teachers being allowed to bring guns to school.

"What is an alternative for teachers to keep their students safe in the DISD district without having to bring dangerous weapons to school?" David asked the council members politely.

While waiting for a response to his question, Davide noticed that council members appeared distracted and were walking around the room while community members were speaking.

David stepped back up to the podium and asked "Do you feel it is acceptable for city council members to be up and walking around while constituents are addressing them?"

Well, that got their attention!

Longtime councilmember Dwaine Caraway was the first to respond to David and praised the young man’s courage. “Let me first be apologetic to you because I do walk a lot around here but we had to keep things going at times but it is not so respectful to walk around when visitors are speaking so I will adhere to that as well,” the councilmember told the boy.

When a Fox4 reporter asked David if he wanted to be a city council member in the future, he said yes, but is more interested in being President of the United States.

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