16-Year-Old Killed By NYPD Was Shot Three Times In The Back, Four In Front

The autopsy report of a 16-year-old Brooklyn boy shot and killed by two NYPD officers has revealed that he was shot four times in the back, and three times in front. Also, a witness now claims that the boy was unarmed.

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Some updated information on the shooting death of Kilmani Gray, the 16-year-old who was killed in Brooklyn on Saturday night by two plainclothes police officers, was shot seven times: four in the front, three in the back.

The New York Times reports:

The report from the New York City Office of the Chief Medical Examiner did not specify which of the seven bullets caused the death of the teenager, Kimani Gray; that determination awaits further investigation.

One bullet entered his left shoulder in the rear, exiting in the front; two other bullets struck the back of his thighs, one in the left thigh and one in the right. Two bullets struck from the front, hitting his right thigh; one bullet entered his left side, striking his lower rib cage; and the last bullet hit his left lower forearm.

The police said that two plainclothes officers fired at Mr. Gray after he pulled a .38-caliber revolver and pointed it at them; the officers then fired 11 shots, killing him. Mr. Gray’s revolver had four bullets in its chambers, the police said.

The autopsy did not establish the order in which the bullets struck Mr. Gray, or determine the path of the bullets, which might make it clearer if Mr. Gray had his back to the officers when he was shot, or if he had twisted away after being struck from the front. But the findings alone that several of the bullets entered his back appeared certain to fan the flames of a community already distrustful of the police and increasingly incensed about the shooting of the teenager.

Kimani Gray's death led to protests in his East Flatbush neighborhood, and a witness now claims she "had a “bird’s-eye view” of the fatal police shooting of 16-year-old Kimani (Kiki) Gray says the youth did not have a gun in his hand," according to the Daily News.

The NYPD cops who fired 11 shots at Kimani said that he was armed, and a loaded .38 caliber revolver was recovered at the scene.

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