Amazing: Homeless Veteran Timelapse Transformation

One veteran finally gets the care and attention he deserves.

A Michigan charity organization is working to make the transition back to civilian life easier for homeless veterans, and with Veterans Day right around the corner, it seems the perfect time to begin.

After struggling with alcoholism, poverty, and homelessness for decades, U.S. Army Veteran Jim Wolf agreed to go through a physical transformation with the help of Degage Ministries in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Local filmmaker Rob Bliss teamed up with Degage Ministries, a stylist, and a production team to create this timelapse video of Wolf’s several-hour makeover. “The homeless are people we ignore every day,” Bliss said. He wanted his video to show how, with just a little support, anyone “can look like they’re meant for the cover of GQ.” While the end result is amazing, it's also just the beginning for Jim Wolf.

“If I can only get people to look at any homeless person on the street and see the mirror image of them -- the image of someone who would look socially acceptable -- realize that potential, that ‘what if,’ and root for their success,” Bliss said.

Since the makeover, Wolf has been able to secure housing and has even started attending Alcoholics Anonymous meetings.

Of course one makeover doesn't begin to solve or even address the issues faced by our homeless veterans, but it’s quite moving to watch as after far too long, one man finally gets some long overdue care and attention.

[H/T The Daily Dot]

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