Animation: Newt Thinks He'll Win South Carolina (Actual Audio)
Gingrich made the claim while explaining to CBS “Face the Nation” host Bob Schieffer Sunday why he is a more attractive candidate to South Carolina voters than former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney.
Animation: Newt Thinks He'll Win South Carolina (Actual Audio) from scottbateman on Vimeo.
Gingrich made the claim while explaining to CBS “Face the Nation” host Bob Schieffer Sunday why he is a more attractive candidate to South Carolina voters than former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney.
“Well, I think it’s very hard for him,” Gingrich said.
“I don’t want to pick weakest or strongest. I think it’s very hard for him to differentiate Romneycare from Obamacare. It’s very hard for him to differentiate appointing liberal judges, which he did when he was the governor of Massachusetts. These are things that are going to come up and I think for the conservative movement it makes it more difficult frankly. And that’s why I think here in South Carolina I’m probably going to win next Saturday because as a Georgia Reagan conservative, I fit much more comfortably with the average South Carolina Republican.”