Ann Romney Tells Critics 'Stop It,' Slams 'Chattering Class'

Ann Romney lashed out at Republican critics of her husband in two media appearances on Thursday, telling them to "stop it." Wow, Ann, multiple media appearances on the same day? I guess that tough day after

tough day after Mittens was caught on video revealing how he really feels about us regular Americans is just dragging on, and on.

First, during a sit-down interview with CBS 58 in Milwaukee, Mrs. Romney was asked about the second-guessing within the GOP camp over the campaign.

"You know there is always sniping and everyone always thinks they are the best critic, and they know this and they know that," she said. "And you know what? It is really amazing to me that people forget that what this election really is about is the economy."

Then in an interview with Radio Iowa, Ann gets rather snippy...

he said, "and it has the same connotations of idleness, of useless talk, that the noun 'chatter' does." The implication, Mr. Perrault said, is that "these people don't amount to much — they like to hear themselves talk."

Well, at least Ann and her husband Willard Mittens are consistent on something, their total disdain for 47% of America.

A tip o' the hat to Heather and Nonny.

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