Celebration Of The UK National Health Service

If you missed the opening ceremony of the Olympics on Friday evening, here's a glimpse. This was seriously mind blowing, a country where the people pay higher taxes for nationalized health care, and they celebrate it. The mere mention of it in

If you missed the opening ceremony of the Olympics on Friday evening, here's a glimpse. This was seriously mind blowing, a country where the people pay higher taxes for nationalized health care, and they celebrate it. The mere mention of it in the U.S. makes the right-wing recoil in horror and hiss all at once.

"It’s something that is very dear to people's hearts. If you live here, you will end up there, it does not matter how rich or powerful you are. ... We got hundreds of volunteers from the National Health Service. All the
volunteers made a special sacrifice to be with us and to be rehearsed, but these guys are extraordinary.”

– Danny Boyle on celebration of the U.K.'s NHS during London Olympics

More on Danny Boyle and the UK's 2012 Olympics opening ceremony here.

H/T Michael Moore

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