Crowd At Santorum Rally Horrified When Two Men Kiss

Rick Santorum was well into his speech during a campaign rally in Arlington Heights, Ill., on Friday when two men in the crowd embraced in a rather passionate kiss, prompting a "mic check" and two guards to escort them from the rally. The

Rick Santorum was well into his speech during a campaign rally in Arlington Heights, Ill., on Friday when two men in the crowd embraced in a rather passionate kiss, prompting a "mic check" and two guards to escort them from the rally.

The crowd reacted with audible screams, gasps and wagging fingers. Another man jumped up and followed the pair out as the audience began chanting "U-S-A" until they left the gym at Christian Liberty Academy where Santorum was speaking.

Santorum, who often expresses his opposition to homosexuality, continued his speech without addressing the incident, prompting cheers from the audience. It wasn't clear whether the two men are gay or simply making a political statement.

"I don't think the message should be about what my sexuality is," one of them told a reporter. "It's the message that [Santorum's] saying about sexuality that matters."

[Hat tip Patch.com]

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